The Consecrated Life

We would like to publish some homilies that Fr. Buela has written about the consecrated life. These homilies have been written especially for the Servidoras. We pray that these reflections only draws one closer to God.

Institute of the Incarnate Word

Institute of the Incarnate Word
Priestly Ordinations - Institute of the Incarnate Word

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Youth's Response cont.

Beginning of the homily

3. Let us imitate the saints of all times that found their joy in promptly following the call of God. 

We do not even know the name of this youth. On the other hand, he could have given his name to cities like the apostle St James: Santiago of Compostela, Santiago of Cuba, Santiago of Chile, Santiago of Estero, …of Philippines, of Panama, of Paraguay, of Peru.

Let us encourage those who could have “subiectum” to follow evangelical perfection not foolishly opposing them. Jesus promised, “Amen I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age…with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come (Mk 10:29-30). Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away (Mt. 24:35).

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Youth’s Response Cont.

Beginning of the homily

2. How should have the rich young man responded? With promptitude, generosity, and heroism. Once the call of God is known, we must carry it out:

A. with promptitude: that is to say executing quickly what God desires, not postponing its realization. “The grace of the Holy Spirit is a speedy grace” (St. Anselm). “We must respond without delay” (Venerable Luis de la Puente). Popular wisdom teaches “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”. Poetically, Jose Maria Peman, puts in St Francis Xavier these words:
“The great resolutions,
For its best accomplishment,
Must be taken in the moment
And they must be fulfilled quickly.
…I am friendlier to the wind,
My lady, than to the breeze…
And we must do the good in a hurry
Since evil does not lose a moment!”
Those who constantly delay the call of God find themselves in the deplorable state of soul that Lopez de Vega so well describes:
“How many times the angel would tell me:
Soul peer now through the window
And you will see with what love he endeavors to calls
And how many oh sovereign Beauty
Tomorrow we will open respond
To respond the same thing again tomorrow!”
The saints replied with promptitude. Such is the case of Abraham,[1] of Samuel “Speak, Lord for your servants hears (1 Sam 3:10). Likewise responded St Peter and St Andrew: they abandoned their nets and followed him (Mk 1:18). St Paul too followed instantly: instantly, without seeking counsel of any man (Gal 1:16). As did the Holy Virgin upon knowing the will of God: let it be done unto me according to your word (Lk 1:38) going in haste (Lk 1:39) to the house of Elizabeth.

B. with generosity: that is to say with perfection they left everything (Lk 5:11). And they left them decidedly: no one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God (Lk 9:62).

Some say that they want to serve the Lord but they give the conditions: “Lord let me go first and bury my father.” But Jesus answered him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead” (Mt 8:21-22).
God desires the total surrender. He wants our heart undivided and unconditionally.

C. with heroism: it is the disposition of those that truly desire to follow Christ in such a way that as St. Paul says they wish to die to be with Christ,[2] and as St. Thomas says, “they do not retract in difficult endeavors that give glory to God and save souls.”


[1] Cf. Gen 12:4; 17:23, 22:2-3.
[2] Cf. Phil 1:23.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Youth’s Response

One of the most disconcerting figures of the Gospel is the commonly called “rich young man.” Let us note his principal characteristics just as Saint Mark describes him in chapter 10:17-31.

1. He is not a lazy person who idly allows the time to pass nor is he indifferent to the realities of the world that surround him. He is a young man with doubts; he is a young man full of impetus and courage…a man ran up to Him (v. 17). He is neither apathetic nor listless. He is not dominated by indolence nor is he negligent. 

He is an educated youth who acts with rectitude of intention and for superior motives: Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? He correctly judges Jesus considering Him as “teacher” and “good”. He does not ask him about trivial or temporal things, but rather his inquiry refers to the most substantial matter that each man must respond: eternity. For this reason alone, we can see that his head and heart are firmly rooted. 

In addition, we must say that for him, Jesus was not merely a man:[he] knelt down before Him… It is a youth filled with faith that recognizes Jesus as God and allowing himself to be taken up by a generous outburst, he prostrates before Him. 

He is a good youth; he lives in the grace of God! When Jesus reminds him of the commandments, the young man affirms: all of these I have observed from my youth (v. 20). He was not a hardened sinner nor an obstinate vicious man, nor insensible to moral beauty. He was neither impure nor cold-hearted towards his parents, or a practicing atheist. He lived in grace!

Jesus, the greatest Friend of young people, could not but manifest his love to him…Jesus looking at him, loved him…(v.21). It is impossible for a youth of his caliber to not feel the strength and sweetness of that look. How must his heart have been filled with tender and virile affections towards Jesus! He loved him (as every authentic youth knows)!

Jesus, seeing that the youth possessed good character or “subiectum” as St. Ignatius calls it, invited him to something more: He calls him to perfection, You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come follow me (v. 21). All he lacked was to embark on a closer following of Christ. He needed to renounce all temporal goods. He only had to do this act of courage by which one interiorly chooses-and is ready to take it to its ultimate consequences- the primacy of God over all creation, the preeminence of eternity over time, of the fleeting and contingency of everything that dies. 

And behold the unheard of! This good youth, who lived in grace, rejects the loving call of God. He, who had come running to the Lord, quickly leaves now saddened…his face fell, and he went away sad for he had many possessions (v. 22).

He preferred his riches to God. He did not want to detach himself from his temporal goods. He loved them more than the eternal ones.

What compassion and pity this youth excites sadly going away from Jesus who called him to a superior life! It is very painful to verify what P. Castellani would say, “he who was born to be a saber blade, quickly turned into a brass knife…”

Unfortunately, how often this story repeats itself! Some do not want to leave their riches, others their honors, others their personal affections: careers, study, art, sports, entertainment; others love their family, their girlfriend or their friends more than Christ. And for this reason there are more young people that live sadly and insensibly turn away from Christ; they were unfaithful to the call of God to live a life of evangelical perfection. They are unsuccessful by having frustrated in themselves the plans of God. 

They were lacking in generosity; they were frightened. They did not want to break from their mediocrity. They were overcome by the meanness of the environment in which they lived in. They were content with advancing at the pace of a midget. They were not capable of the whole adventure. Like the young man in the Gospel, perhaps they had a mind and heart but they were missing courage!

(Cont ...)