The Consecrated Life

We would like to publish some homilies that Fr. Buela has written about the consecrated life. These homilies have been written especially for the Servidoras. We pray that these reflections only draws one closer to God.

Institute of the Incarnate Word

Institute of the Incarnate Word
Priestly Ordinations - Institute of the Incarnate Word

Monday, May 25, 2015

Mary Magdalene in St. Baume - The Spirit with which Magdalene enters in her desert

Beginning of the homily

This is the desert of Magdalene. She enters into it as a homage to Jesus and to the hidden life of Jesus. She enters by a divine command that wants to draw her to that place to speak to her heart. She enters there guided by an instinct of marvelous love that draws and guides her more than an instinct of penance. Permit me to say without diminishing the honor due to such virtue that this happy penance is only love. In such a way has love strongly taken possession of her that all she has and all she is nothing else than love!

Her penance is love. Her exile is love. Her cross is love. Her melancholy is love. And her death is love. I see only love and Jesus in her desert. She lives and she lives hidden in Jesus, in the hidden life of Jesus, in the secret trials of the love of Jesus.

Oh desert! Oh Magdalene! Oh mountain more valuable for the Magdalene than the other in which St Peter said to Jesus “Let us build three tents here, one for you, another for Moses, and another for Elijah (Mt 17:4). For also in this withdrawn and elevated mountain to which Jesus draws and guides Magdalene to, I likewise see three tents. But the three are for Jesus and not for any other. The three are not constructed by the hand of man but by the Spirit of God. The three serve as a retreat for Magdalene. Holy retreat and holy tents in which she dwelt for such a long time, in which she lives and hides herself, in which she passes unknown to all except to her love. We can say that the first tent is personally Jesus himself since it is His life and His dwelling. She dwells in Him much more than her soul dwells in its body and more than her body dwells in the desert. The second is Jesus in His state of hidden and unknown life since she is also hidden, withdrawn into this state. She adheres to this life and participates in it, in a divine and precious way. The third is also Jesus since Jesus is the dwelling and retreat of this soul and it lives in Him according to the different conditions and states that He possesses and He has deigned to communicate to her.

Thus, the third tent of Magdalen in this holy mountain is Jesus in the grandeur of her spirit and her love since the spirit and the love of Jesus are something absolutely exceptional in heaven as well as on the earth. They constitute an order and a sacred name which is above every other name (according to St. Paul) be it in this age or in the age to come. In this holy tabernacle, Jesus wants to try this soul in the most secret trials of love. And she incessantly supports the sublime operations of the Spirit of Jesus that wills to work marvels worthy of Himself in a soul so pure, so holy, so sublime, so separated from everything and so united to Him. Happy he who knows this soul and penetrates in its thoughts. Happy he who participates of its secrets and even happier than if he participated of all the greatest and wisest secrets of the universe. Happy he who has had access to these three tabernacles and is willing to penetrate deeply into this desert in this spirit and this sanctuary. 

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