The Consecrated Life

We would like to publish some homilies that Fr. Buela has written about the consecrated life. These homilies have been written especially for the Servidoras. We pray that these reflections only draws one closer to God.

Institute of the Incarnate Word

Institute of the Incarnate Word
Priestly Ordinations - Institute of the Incarnate Word

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Spouses of Christ" Servidoras I (II edición), p. 193 cont...

We will only look at three points:

1. We must understand the greatness of such a high occupation

Yes, religious are Spouses of Christ, as Christ Himself proudly calls them, because it is so, he is their Spouse. That Christ Himself would call a specific person to be his Spouse is such a great and excellent grace, that as much as she thinks she understands it, she still is very lacking in her knowledge of its true greatness.

Before the religious was born, before she was begotten, long before the world was created – from all eternity God had written on his bosom all those he predestined to be his Spouses. Their fasts, disciplines, and prayers did not merit this, since at this time they did not exist, rather God alone, who chose them and called them from among millions of people to be his Spouses, could have merited this. He separated them from the world and liberated them from the occupations of marriage so that all of their time would be spent loving the Sweet Spouse.
